Monday, February 23, 2015

Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

Dear Camille,

  "Do you want to build a snowman?"  As of this moment, you can sing that entire song because we have watched "Frozen" ten thousand times at least!  But today, we are talking about more than an animated movie (although it happens to be one of our favorites!).  Today we are talking about snow!
  "Snow" at this point, hearing that word can make some Arkansans want to scream.  By the same token, it can make others jump for joy!  As of today, the local kids have missed five days of school and I know that there will be lots of longing for the end of the year in June!  As a former teacher, I had a love-hate relationship with snow.  I loved missing the days, but hated making them up!  But beyond how the snow has affected our lives, I want to emphasize its beauty.

  Snow is a substance that is made from water that freezes into ice crystals and falls in white flakes.  It seems like such a simple thing, but it can be so beautiful as it covers the ground.  It is amazing to watch it fall! 

  This afternoon, following some snow fun, I stared out the window at Nana's house and watched big snowflakes lightly float to the ground.  It was beautiful and the picturesque version of snow that is often displayed in romantic movies.  It was the kind of snow that I picture in my mind's eye.  As I gazed out that window I watched my romantic snow change to smaller flakes that floated, then fell more briskly to the ground.  The snow went full circle ending back at the large floating flakes that I enjoyed. Gazing at the snow made me consider how creative our God is.

  Our God was creative enough to design all those different types of snow that I saw!  This concept truly blows my mind!   My God took the time to design such beauty in such a simple thing as frozen water.  Not only has He put beauty in snow, but He has put beauty across the earth.  My girl, I have found that many people consider God boring or dull, but He is anything but!  He is the God that is the original artist, placing His creativity and beauty across the earth.

  My Love, as you consider what an awesome God he is, remember to reflect on the beauty that he placed across the earth for you to enjoy!  The most beautiful places on earth were not crafted by the hand of man, but rather the words of God!

I love you big,

P.S. Look through these pictures that I have taken so that you can reflect on God's creativity!

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