Monday, February 16, 2015

Christians are Satan's Biggest Asset

Dear Camille,
   With the world pulling us in multiple directions and presenting a sliced up version of Christianity, I wanted to take the time to make sure that you had a clear picture of what it really means to be a Christian.  A Christian by simple definition is just a follower of Jesus Christ.  If that is the case, then I propose that a Christian should choose to follow Christ's example while he was here on earth.
  So what was Christ's example while He was here on earth? He shared the upmost compassion with all those that needed it and loved others with every ounce of his being.  There are many, many stories that I could go through to prove this but I will point out a few that you may find of some interest.

1. Jesus was a friend to lawbreakers.
During the days when Jesus lived, the job of a tax collector was the job of a crook.  These men often overcharged the people and pocketed the rest of the money for themselves.  These men were often hated and no one would have had the audacity to ever dine with one.  In the story of Zaccheus, Jesus pursues a man that is hated by society to genuinely love and build a relationship with him.  Luke 19:1-10

2. Jesus broke racial, social, and gender boundaries.
Jesus was born a Jew which meant that He was not supposed to associate in any way with Samaritans.  Because He was about restoring hope, He chose to walk through Samaria (A town that Jews traveled miles out of their way to avoid!) to meet with a woman.  This woman had been married five times and was living with a man that was not her current husband. She was full of shame and visited the well in the middle of the day to avoid contact with any citizen of her town.  Jesus, a Jew, chose to visit her town and was at the well waiting for her.  Although, she thought she had snuck over alone.  He completely breaks the racial boundary by visiting her in this country and, as a man, speaks to this guilt ridden woman.  He choses to talk not only to someone of a different gender and a different race, but to a person that is a social outcast.  If this woman lived in modern times she might have been called derogatory names such as slut or whore. Jesus did not judge her for her current condition but restored her hope that she could receive a love that would never end.  John 4:1-42

3. Jesus had compassion on outcasts to society
During Christ's time on earth there was a disease known as leprosy.  (This disease is still present on earth today.) This disease affected the nerves and could lead to deformities, crippling, and blindness. Leprosy is contagious through coughing, so people with leprosy were often sent into isolation outside the city.  Those infected were forced to live in a life without human contact, begging for food to be thrown to them.  This type of life was miserable and hopeless.  In the story, the man approaches Jesus, begging to be healed.  I can only imagine that he had to be miserable and hopeless and approached Jesus with everything that he had, because that was his only hope for a new life.  The Bible tells us that Jesus was “moved with compassion” for the man.  This truly shows the heart of Jesus.  He went after the outcast, without hesitation, even if it could cost him his reputation or his health!(More is known about the disease today, but back then, it was thought to be incurable. Although, it seems that the disease is not as intense as once thought, the story of Jesus love through healing remains the same.) Mark 1:40-45

4. Jesus forgave when He had the RIGHT to retaliate.
Our Dear Savior CHOSE to exercise his right to silence when he was at trial for crimes that he did not commit.  Our Savior CHOSE to not fight back when he was being beaten for no reason. Our Savior CHOSE to die on the cross to take our PLACE!  During the time that Jesus was being abused for no reason at all, He was asking God to FORGIVE those that beat him!  On earth, this may be looked at as being pushed around or being walked over, but Jesus knew that this was the way that he would stand out to the world.  It is NOT normal human behavior to ask for others to be spared when they are inflicting harm on us which proves that this is a different way, Jesus’s way!  Luke 23:1-34, Matthew 27:1-31, Mark 15:1-24 

    So, my dear daughter, here are several examples that don't begin to explain the depth that Christ went to reach people, but nevertheless, each proved how he valued humans!  Each is a picture of LOVE and HOPE!  He chose to love each person where they were, sin and all!  He chose to love them enough to not leave them there, but rather to restore them! So if this is the picture of Jesus, why then would I say that his followers are Satan's biggest asset? 
   I would say that, my love, because many times the above examples are not true of our American Christian lives.  I admit that I have been guilty of not acting the way that my Beloved Savior acted.  There are times that I have felt entitled to retaliate and did so.  There are times when I have been guilty of overlooking society's outcasts because I was "too busy".  There are times when I  judged those who break the law, rather than praying over their situation.  There are also times when I looked down on others that were different than me. Am I proud of these?  Absolutely not!
  One thing that I have learned about the Father of Lies is that he is a clever little snake!  He knew that he could not entice me to do some huge, monstrous sin right away, so he chipped at me a little at a time.  He encouraged me to be a little too busy, a little too cranky, a little less Christ-like.  After a while, I looked around and I drifted and looked more like Satan than Christ.  To prevent ourselves from being his asset, we MUST stay grounded in Christ!
  This world is desperately searching for the truth!  Is there really someone out there that represents love, joy, peace, patience kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control?  When we claim to be Christians, but do not represent the fruit that is supposed to be in our lives, then we deter others from the help that is in the cross.  We become "Team Satan" when are willing offering a detour by claiming Christ with our mouths but denying him with our lives!
  My dear, it is time for us to get BOLD with the testimony that is our lives!  It is not our job to be the Holy Spirit but to love others!  Let's take the world by storm and make sure that each day we are bringing more love to others than they have ever known!

Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. John 13:35

All my love,

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